Как да определим какъв тип е нашата кожа и защо е важно?

How do we determine what our skin type is and why is it important?

Skin types according to hydration status and lipid content

Skin types

The first and most important step in skin care is knowing your skin type. Although each person's skin is different, there are 4 main types: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and combination skin. It is important to say that the type can change over time , being affected by various internal factors (hydration, lipid content, pH, water binding capacity) and external factors (UV light, wind, temperature, air humidity) .

  • Normal skin

    is not strictly defined and is mostly associated with healthy and smooth skin. It is neither greasy nor dry and has little to no imperfections.
  • Dry skin

    occurs in a large proportion of people and is often characterized by loss of luster, scaling, redness, itching and roughness. Dry skin can also be a result of climatic factors, such as cold weather, wind, low humidity. Therefore, in the summer it is recommended to use moisturizing creams with a lighter texture, and in the winter - with a thicker one. If we spend a long time in rooms with air conditioners, it is nice to have something to humidify the air.
  • Oily skin

    is the result of overactive sebaceous glands and often occurs during puberty. It is characterized by shine, seemingly large pores, and often acne. Various factors such as hormonal changes, diet, stress, UV radiation and inappropriate cosmetics can cause or contribute to oily skin. This type of skin also needs hydration and moisturizing products, but with the difference that lighter textures are preferable.
  • Combination skin

    is probably the most common type. It is characterized as normal/moderately dry skin with oiliness in the T zone (forehead, nose, chin).

Besides these 4 types, there is also a 5th one, which is considered more of a dermatological condition, namely sensitive skin . It is characterized by unusual sensitivity and symptoms such as burning, itching and easy reddening. It is often defined as oily and acneic or very dry.

How do I determine my skin type?

This is perhaps the most complicated part, because a concrete answer can hardly be given. The key is- OBSERVATION . When we humans define ourselves, we often jump to extreme conclusions that aren't quite real. Therefore, we recommend you to repeat the procedure below at least 2 times before making a final conclusion.

The easiest way to determine our skin type while relaxing at home is as follows:

We wash our face with a gentle washing gel and wait 2-3 hours without applying other products. Yes, 2-3 hours, not 15 minutes, as they are grossly insufficient. After washing, the skin has lost part of its lipid layer and a change in surface pH has occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to give her time to recover. Mandatory requirements:

  • The cleaning product should NOT be soap. Soaps have too high a pH and dry the skin, which will lead to a misleading result.
  • The room we will live in while we wait should not have an air conditioner or a radiator. They dry out the air and again can compromise the result.
  • Let's not show ourselves in the sun.
  • Do not apply other products after washing. The result must be determined on a clean face.


Re-read the key features above.

  1. If you notice a slight sheen all over your face, you probably have oily skin.
  2. If you observe shine in the T-zone, and on the cheeks your skin feels normal/slightly dry, you probably have combination skin.
  3. If you feel your skin is stretched or visibly peeling, with pronounced fine lines - your skin is dry and needs a moisturizing cream immediately.
  4. If you don't feel dryness and you don't observe shine in certain areas - congratulations, you are lucky because you have normal skin.

!Remember that anyone can suffer from the appearance of acne and subcutaneous comedones, regardless of skin type!

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